Well, the April Challenges at SgD were a hit and I thank everyone for participating. Everyone that participated recieved this special Thank you gift (preview pictured) ... A Sketch Template created by me and two QPs using the sketch template. All the elements on the QPs were taken from SgD Designers: Norma & Donna.
I am trying something new here at Scrapin'Faye.
Here is a list of the challenges for May. If you decied to create a layout from the list I would love to see it ... please add your layout link here!For those of you who post I will send you a link to download a Thank you Gift for participating in my challenges.
These challenges will run from
April 16 to May 16 here at Scrapin'Faye. At SgD they run from April 23 to May 23.
1) Scrapping with Adjectives
1+ photos but only 1 adjective used as the title. You can include journalling, if you want.
2) Mother's Day CardCreate a layout/ Front of the Card for your Mommy.
3) Keep it SimpleCreate a layout using "White Space"
4) Buttons, Buttons, and more buttonsCreate a layout using only "button" elements.
5)Scraplift a SgD DesignerScraplift a layout from one of the SgD Designers: Norma (aka sgd) or Donna (aka pixel princess). Please include a link to their layout when you post your layout link here.
6) Quote challengeCreate a layout with the phase: Laughter is the Best Medicine"
7) Flower Doodle QP Album Exchange
Create a 600x600 @ 72dpi Quick Page in any theme but evey page created must included "Flower doodle".
8) Picture Hunt
This is a scavenger hunt with pictures. Below is a list of pictures to take and or look through your archieves. Once you get your pictures create your layout, include a caption under the photo on the item on the list. If you can not find one picture you can replace that one picture with anything but you can only have one freebie. Hint: You can use stock pictures, if you want.Picture list (any order) 1) Spring Flower/s 2) something with an arch 3) something round 4) a boy 5) something white 6) A place
9) Anything Goes but....
Create a layout and post your layout in ScrapbookFlair site. If you don't have an account, create one. Scrapbook Flair is a great site to post your layouts, do challenges, and have access to many digi scrappers willing to help you if you have any questions.
10) Bracket Pages
The latest thing seems to be Bracket Albums, both in paper and digital scrapbooking. Let's see your Bracket Pages.
If you have any questions, please ask me here or you can email me at
scrapinfaye@gmail.com. Credits: Some of the challenges are taken from other sites... I thought they would be fun to challenage my friends at SgD ... But I like to challenge those of you who read my blog. Thanks
Thank you Gift for April SgD Challenges....