In 2010 I am not committing myself to anything cuz I don't want to set myself to fail but I have some min goals that I like to complete to better myself and those around me.
1) To start my scrapbook business (S4O/S4H) site/blog up and have at least 1 business client (and that will be Rosemary, she is starting up her Baking business and I will be making pages for her web site, as well as, I am making her an album at the end of January)
2) Lose weight... I am happy so I am kinda cubbie. I am not huge like a couple of years ago but I am getting up there. As of right now I need to lose about 40 lbs. I am changing my eating habbits - have to cuz thats what got me here. The plan is 1) Cut the fried stuff - maybe once a month 2) Eat soup and salad for 3 nights each week. 3) Stop eating after 8pm and if I get hungry eat fruits and veggies.
3) Pay my bills on time. I am so bad at this so I want to make an effort to pay bills on time and at least above the min amout. Then once I got that down, then look for ways to start paying off my debt. The big one I want to be current is my car so sick of the calls every hour. Last month, on Saturday had a total of 10 calls...of course, I didn't pick up but still 10 on a Saturday!
I am excieted to pick up scrapbooking again.. I've been really out of the loop for a good 3 months. My video card died but I got a used but working one for Christmas from Fred. Plus Leanne gave her emachine efore she left. I have a new blinkie made for my blog by Justine over at Scrappin'Bratz. Over to the right, you can grab it and wear it if you want. Also, there is a link to Justine's blog. I was asked to join a creative team which never happens, so that's something new. I have joined a couple of creative teams - five of them. In case you didn't notice, i've been posting their December Specials all month and updated my Nav Menu to include all my new and old teams and I tried to list all the CTMs per group. You will see some dups but different team. There are a couple of groups I might have to have a seperate post to list them all but for now they are sitting on my Nav menu (up there in the green menu). My new teams are ---
and I will continue to scrap for the following designers -
Store: Scrapbooks Gone Digital, Faith Sisters, Pretty Scrappy, DigiScrapbookMania
Store: Scrapbooks Gone Digital, Divine Digital
Store: Scrapbooks Gone Digital
Store: Scrapbooks Gone Digital, Stone Accents Studio, The Creativity Box
I like how my blog is filling up so I won't be changing it anytime soon I hope. I am not sure of all the requirments of the Pretty Scrappy QP Team but expect a QP blog freebie available for 7 days here. And I am so happy to be making QPs again for designers. I sold a couple when Simply Susan used to sell them in her store. That was fun!
I am tossing the idea of doing my own blog train featuring the CT kits I use during the month. I am not sure how I will do that but it's an idea I am tossing around since Blog trains seems to be a very good starting point to get the designers out in the open.
I got this poem or inspirational thought from a co-worker and I think its perfect to be said here. It's cute!
H appiness depends upon your outlook on life.
A ttitude is just as important as ability.
P assion find yours this year!
P ositive thoughts make everything easier.
Y ou are unique, with special gifts, use them.
N ew beginnings with a new year.
E nthusiasm a true secret of success.
W ishes may they turn into goals.
Y ears go by too quickly, enjoy them.
E nergy may you have lots of it.
A ppreciation of life, don't take it for granted.
R elax take the time to relax in this coming year.
Depending on the binding machine that John (BFF) is getting me for christmas will start the path in which direction I will make with my scrapbook business. I am thinking some of the albums, I will need to read up on hybird projects. Maybe, I will be able to afford the one that he doesn't buy and I can have two continuous paths. He said he hasn't ordered it yet but he will... lol he better. If he doesn't I can use binder rings to bind the printed ones for now till I get into the swing of things.
On the1st, we rest and recover from tonight and then on the 2nd we move to new apartment. We are moving into a studio... money is so tight it hurts to do anything big these days, but there were more Pros than Cons... Luckly, I picked up a client that wants me to work with her every Saturday. It should be good - she says she has a couple of friends that might be interested but if I am working on her every Saturday, one is enough. And since I have my Saturday's back I can grab the kids again... I do miss our 4 hour park time and then grab Ice Cream before I drop them off at home!
I think that is it I am sure I am missing a bunch more... Sorry no pictures but this post is really for me!